
One of my greatest joys is teaching the next generation of artists, and my love of teaching was first engendered during my two years as the touring “Concert Artist” for the American Harp Society. Here, I functioned as a harp ambassador across the country, visiting 25 Society chapters and giving 18 masterclasses. 

As the current harp faculty at College of Charleston, I have created two unique pathways of study – traditional Celtic lever harp and classical pedal harp. Located in the middle of historic downtown Charleston, South Carolina, The College of Charleston offers a quality liberal arts education with superior musical training with both majors and minors in music, as well as an Artist Certificate in Performance. Visit www.cofc.edu/music or contact kenta@cofc.edu for more information.

I am on faculty at the Charleston Academy of Music, with a thriving harp-learning community. See https://www.charlestonacademyofmusic.com for more information.

If you are not in Charleston, I am also accepting new online students in my private virtual studio. Contact me at info@abigailkentharp.com to get started.